Features of penis enlargement surgery

Having tried all methods: from pills and creams to extreme NUP, men dissatisfied with the size of their genitals decide that penis enlargement surgery is the only possible solution.

We will consider all types of surgical interventions in the intimate male area, find out the approximate prices and clinics where such operations are performed.

penis enlargement surgery

Men are divided into several categories:

  • having an average size that perfectly suits him and his partner;
  • normal size medium or large, but would like to have a larger size;
  • have a small penis and want to enlarge it (remember that the lower limit of the normal length of an erect penis is considered to be 7 cm);
  • results from penile injury or disease.

Surgical enlargement of the penis is performed both for medical reasons and for the purpose of cosmetic correction of appearance.

  • 3 Instructions for operation
  • 4 Possible complications
  • 5 Recovery
  • 6 Which clinics offer augmentation services?
  • 7 How much does the operation cost?
  • 8 Reviews after the operation


A man's desire alone is not enough to perform a penis enlargement operation. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a urologist or andrologist, during which a decision is made about the size and shape of the penis.

The abnormality associated with the insufficient length of the organ is called micropenis. It occurs as a result of a lack of pituitary hormones. When evaluating the parameters of the penis, its size in the erect position is taken into account.

Other symptoms include:

  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the penis;
  • dysfunction arising on the background of difficult fibrosis;
  • organ damage;
  • the length of the erect penis is less than 12 cm;
  • inability to have sex;
  • Peyronie's disease or pathological curvature of the penis.
genital structure

Male prejudices: the main reasons for dissatisfaction with size

The desire to improve the parameters of the penis is 90% associated with dissatisfaction in the intimate area. For example, if a man is taught that the size of his penis directly determines his sexual viability. Regular comparison of the organ or partner's dissatisfaction with intimacy with it leads to improvement of the parameters of the penis. Moreover, the woman associates the 2nd factor with the miniature size of the male genital organ, which does not always lead to a low quality of sex life.

What doctors say about penis enlargement:

A large number of men in our country are not satisfied with the size of their genitals, I tell you as a doctor. This is a sensitive issue that is not usually discussed openly, but I encounter such complaints all the time.

In general, various exercises for penis enlargement have been around for a long time, but unfortunately, they take a lot of time and, strangely enough, do not work. There is a more radical solution - surgical intervention, but operations cost a lot of money and not everyone will decide to take such a step.

penile prosthesis for penis enlargement

Penis prostheses

The result of penis enlargement surgery using a prosthesis depends on the type of implant used. It is considered difficult to lengthen the penis with this method.

Hard prostheses are rarely used. Often, inflatable or plastic implants are placed. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The prosthesis is inserted through an incision in the area of the spongy bodies.

Implants are made of different materials, but they are always hypoallergenic.

This type of operation is performed only when, due to medical reasons, the underdevelopment of the penis is accompanied by sexual dysfunction. How much the penis enlargement surgery costs depends on the material used, the complexity of the pathology and other factors. Penis prostheses are not available to everyone.

Contraindications to the operation

A specialist does not invasively enlarge a reproductive organ if the patient:

  1. Low blood clotting.
  2. Oncological processes in the urogenital system.
  3. Heart dysfunction.
  4. Allergy to all substances used for anesthesia.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Diabetes.

Additional contraindications – severe mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy); tendency to develop colloidal scars; purulent processes in the groin area.


The operation begins with anesthesia. General anesthesia or spinal anesthesia is used for ligamentotomy. The next step is to cut and suspend the penile ligament that holds the organ deep in the pelvis.

The process of penis enlargement is carried out by releasing the inner part of this ligament. After exposing the hidden part of the penis, the wound is sutured.

The desired enlargement effect is achieved not immediately, but after some time. This is facilitated by activities involving the use of a dilator during the rehabilitation period.

ligamentotomy for penis enlargement

Available methods

There are many methods of penis enlargement, but most of them are non-surgical methods.

review of penis enlargement methods

Operations are divided into areas: stretching or thickening.

Penis enlargement operations:

  • ligamentotomy;
  • Penis prostheses.

The group of operations for penis enlargement includes:

  • Lipofilling;
  • Application of polymer materials;
  • Muscle transplantation;
  • Hyaluronic acid injections.
lipofilling for penis enlargement


The operation begins with putting the patient under general anesthesia. First, biomaterial is collected from the area where it is most abundant. Then the process of cleaning the resulting material is carried out. The next step is to insert it into the genital organ using a special needle.

Injection sites are thoroughly disinfected with an antiseptic. A sterile dressing is applied to the genitals. In general, the procedure does not take more than an hour.

The main advantage of lipofilling is the use of your own biomaterial. The use of artificial implants can cause an allergic reaction to foreign materials.

After choosing the appropriate option, men calmly start looking for a medical facility.They look not only at the price, but also at the reviews of the organization and specialist they are contacting.

Surgery is not always the right waythey resort to it as a last resort!If your penis is longer than 8 cm, we recommend considering the options for extending the tissues of the organ:

  • Stretcher or Stretcher;
  • Suspended loads;
  • Exercise or jelqing;
  • Massage;
  • Vacuum pumps.

For the resultWe recommend combining the above methods with the use of ointments, creams, gels or sprays and additionally using foods and herbs for penis growth.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Hyaluronic acid is widespread not only in cosmetology, but also in plastic surgery. The procedure is quick and hassle-free. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the penis. On average, the effect lasts a year.

hyaluronic acid injections

Injections are performed only by a specialist, you cannot treat yourself!

Which doctor should I see?

If a decision to enlarge the penis by surgery is made deliberately, if it is difficult to swallow and there is no turning back, the patient turns to it.to the plastic surgery clinic.

Large clinics have a department of cosmetic surgery or intimate plastic surgery. You should see your doctor first, firstconsultation is not very expensive.

If the doctor finds your arguments convincing, he will refer youexamination and testing, for which, by the way, you will have to pay.

Tests to do (there are quite a few of them, so take some free time to take them all):

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood coagulation test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood group and Rh factor analysis;
  • examination for HIV infection, hepatitis B and C;
  • blood test for RW;
  • EKG.

In addition to the surgeon, you will needconsult withurologist and andrologist.

After receiving the results of the examination, the plastic surgeon doesresultabout the absence or presence of contraindications. And only after that they do plastic penis enlargement or not.

Preparation stage

Before the operation, you must go through preparatory procedures. They help to avoid the negative reactions of the body and to choose the most appropriate method of intervention.

The preparatory stage includes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Ultrasound examination with Doppler;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • research to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood chemistry;
  • ECG;
  • examination by narrow-profile specialists.

In addition, studies are being conducted to rule out the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to anesthetics and materials implanted under the skin. They will help prevent unexpected complications during surgery.

2 days before the due date, a man should limit fluid intake. It is also recommended to give up smoking and alcohol.

Rehabilitation period: doctor's advice

The following are contraindicated for tissue regeneration after surgery:

  • Lift heavy objects (this can cause bleeding and suture separation).
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking (intoxication of the body after anesthesia causes many complications).
  • Eat heavy food. The diet should be light so as not to overburden the intestines, as constipation will increase pain in the wound.
  • Awesome. Immunity decreases after surgery. Therefore, exposure to drafts and low temperatures can cause the disease.

Immediately after the operation, a catheter is installed in the patient's urethra (through which urine is excreted). While the patient is in the department, his care (washing, antiseptic treatment) is carried out by the staff. At discharge from the clinic, the urethral catheter is removed and the man urinates on his own. At home, the patient should follow the rules of intimate hygiene after each visit to the toilet. This will prevent infection of the operated organ.

Post-operative period

After ligamentotomy, the patient stays in the hospital for 24 hours. The doctor's task is to explain how to use the expander, which helps to increase the parameters of the penis. The device was worn for 2 hours a day. In the future, the wearing time increases.

Antibiotics and painkillers are required in the postoperative period. Avoid physical activity and sexual intercourse to speed up the healing of stitches.

It usually takes up to 3 weeks for the organ to fully recover. It is also necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the genitals. It is important not to wear tight underwear. Compressing the genital organ helps to separate the stitches.

operational process

The undoubted advantage of surgery is long-term results - literally until the end of life, while therapy requires constant repetition of the course of treatment, and the results of surgical intervention become less impressive over time.

Since penile prostheses are difficult to perform, the postoperative period is longer. After the operation, the patient stays in bed for 2 days. Then short walks around the hospital and independent movements are allowed.

After 10 days, physical activity increases. The total duration of the rehabilitation period is 1 month.

consultation with a doctor before surgery


The longest recovery period is observed after phalloplasty. The length of stay in the hospital is up to 2 weeks. Physical activity and sexual life are limited for 2 months. This also applies to lipofilling. The remaining interventions allow sexual activity after 2 weeks.

  • Hyaluronic acid injections - sauna visits and hot baths are limited.
  • Ligamentotomy requires wearing an expander.
  • Moderate pain is relieved by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Possible complications

Any type of transaction involves certain risks. The operation may cause complications.

These include:

  • scar formation;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • bleeding in the suture area;
  • thrombosis;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nervous disorders due to past experiences;
  • wound infection;
  • decreased sensitivity of the genital organ.

Correct operation ensures the absence of scars and scars on the genital organ. In this case, erectile function is not suppressed. Difficulties arise if the operation is performed poorly.

Instructions for penis enlargement surgery

Experts identify the following indicators for penis growth:

  1. Micropenis syndrome.
  2. Curvature of the reproductive organ.
  3. Desire to improve your sexual performance.
  4. The need to increase self-confidence (if a man cannot please his partner due to the small size of the penis).

If the genital organ is deformed due to injury, surgical enlargement will help to get rid of this problem. Surgical intervention is also suitable for men with a small penis due to hormonal problems and diabetes.

contraindications for penis enlargement

Become Beware! Most of the exercises for penis enlargement are dangerous for men because. . . different types of twists have an extremely negative effect on the potential.

result of penis enlargement surgery

How much does the operation cost?

You can find out how much penis enlargement surgery costs in the medical institution of your choice. The price policy depends on the reputation of the clinic and the surgeons' qualifications. The type of surgical intervention is also important.

You should pay attention to the following information:

  1. The price of penis enlargement surgery with a penile prosthesis ranges from 180 to 250, 000 rubles.
  2. The price of ligamentotomy is 12-85 thousand rubles.
  3. When using implants, the final price depends on the material. The operation can be carried out between 40 and 280 thousand rubles.
  4. Muscle transplantation will cost 150-250 thousand rubles.

The operation is performed not only in private clinics, but also in state medical institutions.

How much can you enlarge your penis

How to choose a clinic for surgery?

The most important criterion for choosing a clinic is the surgeon's qualifications

choosing a clinic for surgery

First of all, when choosing a clinic for plastic surgery, attention is paid to the specialty of the surgeon, but the conditions and the environment itself are also important. Without good medical equipment, it is almost impossible to achieve an ideal result even with experience and professional skills. The choice of the clinic is also influenced by the availability of resuscitation equipment.

Key criteria to consider

Permit and license are required for the activity. The documents state:

  • Name of the clinic.
  • Legal address.
  • The state of the medical institution.
  • Accreditations at the state level.
  • Signature and seal issued by the state.

The success of the operation mainly depends on the technical equipment. After learning what equipment is available in the clinic, do not forget to check the availability of resuscitation equipment to provide emergency care.

A friendly environment is important in the clinic. It is important that the patient intuitively feels comfortable. A team of experts must build confidence in the coherence of their work.

Pre-procedure examination and post-operative observation are carried out directly by the staff of the clinic.

The contract drawn up between the clinic and the patient should specify the responsibility of both parties and the limits of responsibility for the actions taken.

It would be good to hear the opinions of people who have used the services of the clinic. Find out how their ligamentotomy went. Patient reviews often play a decisive role.

If at least one point is in doubt, it is worth looking for another clinic with a more reliable reputation.

Alternative extension methods

Ligamentotomy is not the only surgical method to increase penile length. There are also alternative methods.


The essence of the operation is to create a narrowing skin defect in the groin area (above the root of the penis).. First, a V-shaped incision is sutured, this incision is sutured to a Y. During the operation, the sling and suspensory ligaments are cut. As a result, the penis visually grows as it rises above the testicle.

Complications in the form of suppuration, the formation of rough scars and folds are possible. Moreover, the latter can manifest themselves in the long run.

Perovic method

The method is named after Professor Sava V. Perovic, who developed it. During the operation, the penis is literally divided into parts: the head is cut from the thickness of the cave and spongy tissue, and the nerve-vascular bundle is mobilized. Then, particles of cartilage or synthetic materials are implanted into the space created between the head and the porous bodies.As a result of stretching of the nerves and spongy bone, the length of the genital organ increases by 2. 5-5 cm.

As for complications, further formation of scar tissue and very high mobility of the head (granuloptosis) are possible. The implanted cartilage gradually dissolves, so the initial result will worsen. Synthetic implants can fail.

Shcheplev operation

The essence of the operation is the insertion of longer implants into the corpus cavernosa than the tunica albuginea allows. Several cuts are made on it to extend it.With a conventional penile prosthesis, only penile rigidity is ensured, but with the Shcheplev operation, it is lengthened by about 2 cm.. Implants are placed through a circular incision 10 mm from the coronary groove.

Longer but smaller diameter prostheses are used for installation. Thus, their surface is covered with cavernous tissue, which significantly accelerates healing.

What happens during surgery?

A man who decides to change his most intimate zone goes and makes an appointment at the appropriate clinic and puts his intimate area in order. Read more about shaving your private area.

The first thing he cares about is how big his penis will be. In this case, doctors say thiscan be extended up to a maximum of 5 centimeters. The second most popular question is whether it will expand further. The size of the new, modified manhood will depend on which surgery is performed.

How is the procedure performed on the genital organ?

If your doctor is an experienced and licensed genital surgeon, the main stage will take no more than 30-35 minutes.

stages of the operation

It looks like this:

  • the patient is placed under general anesthesia;
  • the entire genital area, as well as the stomach, legs are generously disinfected with iodine;
  • the doctor coldly cuts a scalpel into the penis;
  • the incision is made in the scrotum, exactly along the dark line - the natural midline suture. If you twist the phallus, you will see it with the naked eye. By the way, after healing, the scar is masked along the line and becomes invisible even on closer inspection;
  • Cavernous bodies move to the side - this is how the doctor finds the way out to the periosteum. The ligament connecting the phallus to the pubic bone is located here. The thing is, about a third of the actual length sits here. These intestines are removed;
  • the doctor evaluates how long the penis is by paying attention to the mark. If everything is in order, the incision is sutured. On average, the length increases by 3 cm.

At rest, the length of the penis will remain unchanged after the operation. Don't expect everything to go down spectacularly.You will see the whole effect in the erection. The tunica albuginea is to blame for this. Covers bodies that fill with blood when excited.

Possible risks and side effects

Possible complications of surgical intervention:

  • bleeding. The result of damage to large vessels (if the symptom occurred during surgery) or heavy lifting (if it appears during the recovery period).
  • Nerve damage during tissue dissection.
  • Formation of a large scar (due to individual characteristics of the skin or careless work of the surgeon).
  • Hematomas (bleeding of various severity).
  • Inflammation of the surgical wound (due to the entry of pathogenic microflora into it).

The risk associated with failed surgical penile enlargement is impotence, erectile dysfunction.


how much is the transaction

There is no clear limit to the cost of penis enlargement. This is due to the fact that plastic surgery changes the parameters of thickness and length or has a complex effect. The cost of the procedures is different. Depends on:

We suggest you read: Mandatory rules for communication with men

  • Technical difficulty for the surgeon;
  • Clinic rules;
  • Specialist's work area;
  • Additional materials (implants, prostheses).

Types of operations

Currently, there are many types of manipulations performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Some are quite harmless, while others require careful preparation and examination.


With this procedure, the length of the reproductive organ is increased, but the thickness remains unchanged.


This is a surgical enlargement of the penis, which is a simple circumcision of the foreskin, resulting in a 2-centimeter lengthening. The event is held for hygienic purposes, many claim that it prevents STDs, including infectious pathologies. The method takes about 15 minutes and can be performed at any age under local anesthesia.


With this approach, the reproductive organ increases in size, which is important for full and lively sex. The techniques mostly involve special injections that are considered minimally invasive.


The procedure involves inserting the patient's fat cells, which have been processed and cleaned in special equipment, into the shaft of the penis with a thin needle.The effect lasts for several months, after which the injected tissues dissolve on their own.The operation is painless, if necessary, local anesthesia is used in the form of ointments and injections. Virtually no rehabilitation is required.

Microsurgical muscle transplantation

With this approach, the specialist takes tissue from the patient's back muscles or armpit, then implants them in the genital organ, and then restores the normal functioning of the nerve endings. This is a complex method that is expensive, but as a result of competent work, it is possible to get an enlarged and stimulating organ.

Important: before choosing a certain technology, be sure to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis.